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3 Years Gone

As if many eyes will ever cross these words, but if yours are one set of few - congrats! You made it here somehow. I would be lying if I didn't say I was disappointed by my lack of business; what started as what I thought was a fairly strong effort to make this business work quickly dwindled into nothingness within the first three months. Admittedly, I was also enrolled in graduate school, so my efforts to push for my business to thrive were weak, at best. However, the chronic issue I have found myself having is the lack of discipline to see through the rougher patches of any independent endeavor, especially those requiring a lot of trial and error. I grew up in a competitive environment, and there was always someone who hit the mark on her first attempt, so why should I continue to play the fool who cannot even load her bow properly? I have taken that lesson to heart, so I finally ended any effort to make "From the Vine" a successful venture.

I wish I could say this was a return to form, a return to the field, a reset, a resume, a restart. But frankly, it isn't. This is just a self-reflective moment. Mostly of self-pity.

If anyone is out there and reads this and wonders - yes - I am still making my little crafts. If you're interested, drop me a line: -

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